Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 5 Notes

Summary:  This chapter began with Lennie in the barn with the puppies. As Lennie plays with the puppies he get a little too rough with one of them when he thinks its about to bite him, He ends up killing the puppy and just as he was about to hide the dead animal Curley's wife shows up. She pretends she didn't notice it and began to attempt a conversation with Lennie. When she sees Lennie isn't going to talk to her she gets angry and tells him all about how she isn't a bad person nor is she going to get him into any trouble, after that she starts talking about how she feels she should have joined the circus and not marry Curley. Lennie was still explaining the rabbits when Curley's wife asks why he is so obsessed with the rabbit, he tells her that they are soft and the feel good. Curley's wife tells Lennie that he hair is softand it feels good too also that Lennie can touch it and she wouldn't care. As Lennie is touching he hair like that puppy he is more rough then he should be and when she screams he is scared someone is going to find out so he covers er mouth and ends up killing her. Lennie is so shocked by this he runs away and hides. When one of the workers Candy finds her he alerts George and the other. Candy get all the boys together and make a plan to kill Lennie.

Prediction:  I predict that in the next chapter they're going to kill poor Lennie and George is going to get upset because he promised Lennie's Aunt Clara that he would look after him.

Connection:  I can relate to how scared Lennie was when he identically killed Curley's wife. I once broke something important to my parents and I was terrified that I was going to get into so much trouble. So since I was so little I went and hid in my room.

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